QBCC Prosecutions | Clutch Legal | Sunshine Coast Lawyer

QBCC Prosecutions

QBCC Prosecutions

We have acted on behalf of QBCC licensees in respect of prosecutions for breaches of the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act, most commonly for unlicensed building work. We implore clients to seek advice before speaking with QBCC investigators so that licensees can be aware of their rights and the allegations to be made against them.

The Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991 creates offences including:

  1. unlicensed or unlawful carrying out of building work;

  2. contracting with unlicensed persons;

  3. failing to comply with directions to rectify or remedy; and

  4. offences under domestic building contracts (Schedule 1B of Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991).

The penalties for offences against the QBCC Act can include significant fines and restitution orders. For example, the defendant in Mar v Queensland Building & Construction Commission [2017] QDC 304 was fined $100,000.00 for unlawfully carrying out building work and order to pay over $220,000 in restitution.